Refine (not revert to previous) zoom to selection
Now, 'Zoom to selection' zoom AND centers.
I think that zoom to selection should not center at all by default (and, of course, there should be an option to add centering to zoom). The selected art should stay where it is located in view, until zoom level is big enough so object will go outside current view — only then AI should move view to fit the art.
And there should be a tick 'Only for zooming in'.

rob trigg commented
Agreed, restore the zoom tool to its former glory. Constantly having to scroll back to where i was, because i've tried to zoom in and been taken to something that i might still have 'selected' Very frustrating...
Chris commented
I strongly agree with Fergus's points and request as I too experience regular frustration at the way the zoom function now operates - especially when working on a large piece with multiple elements. I am now having to find awkward work arounds to bypass the randomness of the zoom Apple + or - function.
Fergus commented
Zoom function. This used to work like a dream. Using the Apple + or - function would allow zooming in & out of the desired area of the art work. Essential when, say, the rotation tool was selected & choosing the magnifying glass tool would then de-select this. In other words, the Apple + or - function could be used in concert with another tool; something that is essential to using Illustrator. Now this function zooms into some random area of the art board (area last worked on, or centre of the paths, or?..). This is NOT an improvement. Please please return this function to the way it used to work in the recent past, before CC. All my colleagues feel the same way. Let's sort this!