Bring back spacebar 'move' functionality when 'alt/option' is pressed (to access Anchor Point tool) while using Pen Tool
I realize this is a very specific request for a small piece of functionality that was probably never very popular, but it's part of a workflow I got used to using for years, and since upgrading to CC, it no longer works.
When creating a new path with the Pen tool, using the spacebar enables you to move the anchor point you've just created (before you release the click). Also, the Anchor Point tool allows you to do the same when you click on a point and drag the handles out.
My issue is that the Anchor Point tool doesn't retain this functionality when you access it by using the shortcut 'alt/option' while the Pen tool is selected. I'm not sure if this was simply an oversight, or if there is a reason for disabling it. I've searched for a way to enable this tiny feature, but don't think it's possible with preferences (please let me know if I am incorrect).
The ability use the 'alt/option' key to access the Anchor Point tool, WHILE retaining the ability to use the spacebar to toggle back and forth between moving handles and moving the point itself - makes for a very efficient use of the pen tool by minimizing clicks to switch back and forth between tools.
Since the Anchor Point tool still allows this functionality when selected directly, I don't see why it shouldn't act the same when accessed through the 'Pen tool + alt/option' shortcut, -like it did in CS5.
Please bring it back!!!
Thank you :)

As per comment.
You have to release the Option/Alt key first after dragging out the handles, and then start holding Spacebar to reposition the point.
Holland Dotts commented
UPDATE - I found out that all you have to do is release the release the option key after you've clicked on a point and dragged out the handles... Once released the Spacebar works as the move tool like it did before (while still holding the key).
So... not a big deal at all once I figured that out. Thanks, Bert, for reminding me that I posted this - figured I should share that detail for anybody that was frustrated like I was :)
Bert commented
Yep I stopped using Illustrator just because of this
Looney commented
how to bring it back?!
Looney commented
tpop commented
Yes please!!! I like how they added this functionality to Photoshop CC, but removed it from Illustrator CC. Drives me nuts!!!