I need an option to disable path segment reshape tool
Please! Let me disable path segment reshape tool, because the anchor tool is totally unusable because of it. It almost impossible to point on a vector, because every time the path segment reshaper gets in the way!

Kathrin commented
Jim, can you specify, where I can find that in the preferences? I looked but couldn't find it. You would be my hero of the year! ;)
Jim commented
You can turn it off in Preferences, thankfully! It shouldn't be the default behavior - it's nearly a useless feature.
Anonymous commented
ok, I will make a gif of it. the path segment tool activated in one pixel distance from the vector point. although it is totally useless there. it would be enough to activate in the middle 60% of the path.
for example the one pixel distance on a high dpi display with wacom tablets or wacom displays is almost impossible to point on. the pens of these displays can't be pointed so precisely. even if it is technically possible, the pen itself hides part of the display, so it is hard and uncomfortable.
It is as hard to work with illustrator, as the user should be an elite ******.
Please share a screen recording, and if possible, a sample file on which exhibits this problem <sharewithai[at]adobe[dot][com>
We would like to investigate this. As a rule, we've tried to discard the Reshape segment cursor, as soon as the direct selection or anchor point cursor is in the vicinity of the anchor point handle.
Anonymous commented
it is totally impossible to drag the point with the anchor tool now!