Split paths by currently applied dash settings
Hi - I was directed here via adobe and illustrator support teams on twitter.
I'm submitting a suggestion for a function or feature for adobe illustrator in which the user may subdivide a dashed path into individual smaller paths, by the measurement and placement of said dash style. I have seen many different suggestions and workarounds for this over the past few years but none actually execute this specific action. (Setting to .0001 stroke, expanding, then deleting excess points isn't ideal!)
In my current role, and in our office, we design and create physical package design comps. we frequently use perforations in our designs, often with custom spacing, and use illustrator as a hand-off program for graphics and pre-cad conversion. Currently, the cad programs we use do not read or accept each other's different perforation styles (perhaps the programs see them just as that - styles, thus the paths aren't actually altered). Therefore this suggestion aims to use illustrator, the middleman program for our process, to subdivide a path via its dashes during the design process which in turn translates into a custom perforation in our final comp.
Attached file shows how the function might look/act
Thanks for your time!

Two commercial plugin solutions now can do that:
1. Extract Dashes command in PathScribe panel from Astute Graphics
2. A dedicated command in CADtools 13 from Hot Door -
This is now possible with the Extract Dashes option in the PathScribe plugin panel from Astute Graphics. So cool.
While this is being implemented (it is, is it not?), use 'breakDashes.jsx' script by Hiroyuki Sato from here: