Allow Customization of The Features In Properties Panel (2018)
I would like to be able to rearrange (customize) the features in the new 2018 properties panel. I want to be able to add, remove and rearrange the features in the panel. This way the panel will only shows what I want it to show and get ride for the stuff I don't use. I would like to at least be able to collapse what I don't use.

hamko1114 commented
CS5 omachiさんのおっしゃっているように、テキストオブジェクトを選択しているのに、常に変形パネルが表示されている必要はありません。せめて、使わないパネルは畳めるようにしてほしいです。新しくなったツールパネルのように、自分が使う機能の表示・非表示、位置をカスタムできるのが一番良いと思いますが、難しいのでしょうか。以前からある「コントロール」パネルのように、表示・非表示を切り替えられるだけでも使い勝手はかなり変わると思います。
I agree with customizable "Property" panel.
As CS5 omachi says, although selecting text objects, I don't have to always see "Transform" panel displayed. At least, I hope I can collapse unused panels.It is best for the Mid-level users to customize the features in the panel as with new "Tool" panel, but is it difficult?
Easy to use just by switching the displayed features like "control" panel. -
CS5 omachi commented
もし、カスタマイズできるのであれば、他のパネルを使うことが少なくなり、作業効率が格段に上がります。 -
Ai Maro commented
Customizing Properties Panel seems to increase efficiency when creating art.
I think Properties Panel is useful, but I would like to make it more user-friendly.
Like other panels, please highlight the input item when the item icon is clicked.(Translated to Japanese)
他のパネルと同様に、項目アイコンがクリックされたら、入力項目がハイライトしてほしい。 -
Kailash Purohit commented
Hello Adobe Team,
I am here to share a problem or you can say an idea with you. I used your new interface and feature called Properties Panel on Right side and i loved this idea it is easy and fast to switch to actions. but the most important feature is missing there that is CUSTOMIZATION of that panel.
as this panel has very less commands and action even few very important actions missing like Outline Stroke.
So I am here to suggest you to add a feature there the user can customize the Properties panel .. you can start this from giving the facility to user for adding more Quick actions (Like i shown i the attachment i added a Outline Stroke Quick action in red mark)
My second suggestion for this panel is expanding the width of this panel so that you can show full feature of each section like if i am on Stroke, The appearance section will show me the stroke color, Opacity, Fx etc. but the each option has more option which i have to use by clicking to open it and again clicking to close it . . that not handy . . as as you can see i have made my own workspace where in Cyan mark. the option i added that is just for me but you can make that like you want or can make it more flexible by giving the facility to customize it.there are few more things can be improvise in properties panel which i will difinitel share in future..
Thank you