3 improvements for general non-print UI
Would it be possible to enable global pixel snapping-possibly assigned to a modifier key combination when moving things directly(not via a dialog)?
Could you have rounded corners as a parametric property when unexpanded, with separate W & H values, (expressed as PX and % if it doesn't dilute the general paradigm)?
When transforming (particularly SCALE), could the bounding midpoints be shown, maybe in a different colour, if their position on their respective axes is outside of the viewport, to enable grabbing/moving them? So you don't have to zoom out and lose accuracy?

Hi, Douglas.
I don't get it, so I assume someone else could too.
1. What is bad with 'Snap to grid' about snapping when moving things directly?
2. You can achieve this partially by applying too 'Offset path' effects — one minus your round corner radius, one plus, round joins. This will affect all corners, but they will survive scaling.
There is also 'Round corner effects', which works kinda like trick above, but worse.
You can also look for DynamicCorners plugin.3. This one I don't get completely, sorry. Could you illustrate it?