Ability to copy individual effects from the appearance panel to other objects.
currently if you want to copy effects from one object to another your only option is to copy all of its appearance properties. You should be able to drag or copy just one aspect of somethings appearance without effecting the other properties. say i have a transform effect on an object in my appearance panel. currently if i want to apply that to another object i also have to copy the stroke, fill and any other properties that object has. there is no option to copy just that individual transform effect to other objects. this is an unnecessary limitation that serves no purpose. let us copy individual effects between objects!

CG commented
Yes please. After I spend several minutes creating a drop shadow and adjusting all it's settings, I want to copy that same drop shadow to another object WITHOUT copying the stroke and fill, etc.
If I'm missing something, someone please let me know :)
CygnusRK727 commented
I would like the ability to right click on effect in the Appearance panel and copy that effect as the parameters have been set.
Or better yet, would be nice to right click on an object and have one of the options be to copy applied effect. Then be able to choose another object and paste effect via right click. Quickest way.
Anonymous commented
Perhaps the ability to link effects to multiple objects, so you can can change the effect on one object and it would affect all the objects linked to that effect. Would be super helpful!
Anonymous commented
Absolutely, I want this.
Additionally, some appearance elements can't be transferred between groups, eg. 3D effects. And if it *were* to work, you'd only want certain aspects of the appearance to transfer (eg. the 3D effect) and not others (stroke/fill). Or maybe you would, depending on what aspect of the appearance you want. Having to go into the eye-dropper tool preferences to adjust that stuff manually is a PITA (and then to still have it not work properly).
So being able to drag-drop appearance elements onto objects from the panel would add a lot of power and usability to the whole system.