Make the Touch Type Tool work both sides
OK, I'm having this "workflow" issue with the Touch Type Tool.
I like to be able to move 1 character at a time, rotate, move, scale.
But I'm a bit annoyed because SOMETIMES, I'd love it to NOT change the text after. So I usually have to reverse-compensate by making negative kerning on the next character.
See the image attached :
1. I justified my type between the 2 green margins.
-> Nice.
2. I change the H character (scale/rotation)
-> Getting out of the green margin.
3. I change the character after (negative kerning)
-> Back into nice green margins…
Sometimes I'm ok with moving every character one after the other, but sometimes, I'd like to move only ONE character and leave the rest in place.
I'd appreciate if Illustrator would compensate by not moving the remaining characters (and automating the next characters kerning).
So, if you take the joined file, I'd like to be able to skip step 2 ! (may be a modifier key ?)
btw, i loved playing with the xants font (bauhaus/typekit/hiddentreasure)

Please also vote for these changes for the Touch Type tool: