An option to limit Select > Same / Object commands to the current or specific artboards
I would like the ability to use the "Select" tool to select similar items that appear only on one artboard. Illustrator will now select all similar items throughout the document, on all artboards. I need to be able to select similar items on a single artboard without affecting other artboards. This would save me a tremendous amount of time.

Aaron commented
Agree most wholeheartedly.
Implement a Preference checkbox which allows user to define whether the 'All' of 'Select All' applies to all pasteboards or the active one, is needed. And a keyboard combo to temporarily toggle the other state without having to go to preferences!
True. Global Edit have some options to limit searching with artboards and/or canvas (it’s strange though we can’t limit it to a current artboard!).
Select > Same and Select > Object commands don’t have these options at all. Must have. -
Anonymous commented
If you copy and paste items onto multiple artboards and then try to select only items with the same color, or line style, etc., it selects all items across all artboards.
You should be able to use global selection tools confined to only 1 artboard (or able to click specific artboards).