Keyboard shortcut to fit artboard to selection
Currently you must have content selected to fit it to art board in focus. This workflow adds extra interaction cost by having to remember to first select before hitting the drop-down menu to fit it. Selecting the content and art board and striking a key command would make this a lot more efficient.

Illustrator has two commands to fit artboards.
One of them, 'Fit to Selected Art', requires a selection — obviously.
The other one, 'Fit to Artwork Bounds' — does not, but works for the entire artwork.
You can insert the one that you need in an action, using the 'Insert menu item...' command from the Actions panel’s flyout menu, and assign a hotkey to the action.
However, I believe the request is not about a hotkey, but a way to let Illustrator to 'Fit to the contents of artboard' command? Please comment back to make it clear.
An indented solution to this would be to record three commands in an action.
1. Select > All on Active Artboard (this one can be recorded directly)
2. Object > Artboards > Fit to Selected Art (this one you have to insert using the 'Insert menu item...' command from the Actions panel’s flyout menu)
3. Select > Deselect — optional, if you want to have nothing selected in the end
Assign this action to a hotkey and hit it every time you want you current artboard to shrink fit the art in it. -
Thomas, I don’t get it I think.
You mean that you want to run the Fit Artboard to Selection command when nothing is selected, so that the current artboard would fit to the artwork that is placed on it? -
Abdurahman Hale commented
I hope there is a solution fo this soon