Update is way too advanced
Every single update should not change the basic fundamental functions of AI.
I am someone who is learning and having to relearn when just getting the hang of how to use this app comfortably really irks me.
In addition, i have an uncountable amount of talented peers who use this software and they do not even understand how to work with many of the updates.
A huge example i can give:
Why can you not drag a photo to make it smaller or larger anymore?
Also, why can the user not add FX to fonts and see what it does without having to press enter.

Updating is changing.
While this is true, the team certainly should consider problems users have.I have no problem with resizing a photo placed in a document — can you explain how doe it work for you (if the issue is still actual)? Maybe share a video, to see how it behaves?
Also, I can edit effects to a text and see how it will look without pressing Enter, just with the Preview option checked — does it work for you?