Please have customized brushes/swatches save automatically.
It would be nice if custom created brushes were saved automatically so that users do not have to save them after they have created them.

Ton Ewals commented
When working with a lot of custom brush and swatch libraries I noticed that every time I saved the work space it does not include the custom content.
Instead the windows are positioned like saved but I have to import all the libraries manually again.
I wish for Illustrator to save this content as well. so before starting a project I have a set of custom brushes and swatches available.
Nick commented
My swatches are not saving to my library after closing the program and have to remake them. My brushes are doing the same thing. They are also not there when I open a new document during the same session that I have made/saved the new swatch or brush. I looked to update my program but it appears to be up to date.
I have adobe illustrator cc 2019