Improve page selection when opening PDFs in Illustrator
Referring to the attached screenshot for opening PDFs in Illustrator:
I find that I am constantly browsing through the preview pages using (B), and hitting 'Open' when I see the previewed page I want -- completely forgetting to actually enter the page number in the Range (C), and thereby opening Page 1, swearing, and starting again. Casual survey suggests this is a common issue for others in my studio as well.
It would be great if changing the previewed page using B also updated the page number selected in C; or, if an additional radio button sitting with C and D could allow you to select and open 'Previewed Page'. This would make it more consistent with page selection for eg placing a PDF in InDesign using the 'Import Options' dialogue.

The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
The Previewed Page is now the default option for the dialog.
Here is an updated Help article:
Congratulations, folks! Took us 5.5 years to get it!
Anonymous commented
I agree with Mr. Ponce, the new behaviour is counter intiuitive and frustrating.
Mr. Ponce commented
Yes, the new behavior is counter intuitive and frustrating.
Ryan commented
Found a work around - If you type in a specific range of the page you want (i.e. 24-24) you can force it to open the page you wanted
Ryan commented
Having the same issue. Incredibly frustrating and should have been checked before release.
Martin Stattler commented
With Illustrator CC 2018 it is not possible to place any other page of a multiple-page pdf than the first page. In CS6 it was possible to place any page desired, but now the necessary dialogue is missing.
But I already found the alternative: Simply open the document instead. With the revamped open-dialogue ist is possible to chose an array of pages and with an extra checker you can simply place them in your document, instead of opening them. Hence for pdf´s it is wiser to use the open-dialogue to place pages. That is a little weird. But I love the new open-dialogue for pdf´s that gives the opportunity to place multiple pages of pdf´s in one go.
But mayby Adobe should think about integrating this into the place-dialogue and not to hide it as a checker in the open-dalogue.
But still: Great idea!
Thank you!
You could top this if you gave the opportunity to create outlines of the fonts you do not have installed on your computer when opening a pdf. Means if you do not have the font, you could decide to create outlines instead, in order to be able to open the document in Illustrator.
This would be a really cool feature. -
Anonymous commented
Type desired page number into "range" box
Anonymous commented
Since the latest update that enables opening every page in the PDF in illustrator. The option to select either all pages or single pages, when selecting single page and you navigated to the exact page you want to edit, it will only open the cover page and not the selected page.
Anonymous commented
My fellow employees and I refuse to upgrade to new Illustrator because we can no longer open a PDF in Illustrator and get anything but page 1. This is a critical part of our workflow, so until you fix it, we wont use it, and urge every other professional we know to resist upgrading.