Please consider resizing second artboard (14,400 x 14,400) on video presets
While the second artboard on the video presets is incredibly useful so imported art doesn't get cut off in After Effects, it is unnecessarily large. I can't imagine that anyone is actively storing art to be animated from off screen 7,000 pixels above or below the main artboard. Many people think this artboard is a mistake, but it would be far more useful if it were about 3000x3000 in a 1920x1080 document. Hitting Cmd/Ctrl+1 to "Fit Artboard to View" often zooms out to show the gigantic artboard because it is automatically selected any time you click outside of the main artboard. This makes that command less useful if you want to simply deselect your art (by clicking outside of your main artboard, which also selects artboard 2) and have your artboard fill your view. Cmd/Ctrl+0 to show your artboard at actual size is a useful command, but it's not always what I want to do.