Scale and Reflect using selected reference point
Add the ability to scale and reflect objects using the reference point specified in the Control / Transform panel

It always puzzled me why the pivot for these gets always placed in the middle (and does not get saved — there is a separate popular request for this:
So instead I went the route of automating the reference point setting with hotkeys (again, there is a request: and using Flip actions, bound to F-keys.
This solves the problem with Reflect for me, and the scaling I do numerically, using basic math in Width and Height fields in Transform... but this limits me me to fields. If I want to use tools — I still have to enable Smart Guides, disable Snap to Grid (they don’t work together, and there is a request to fix that — won’t give another link here), and click to define the pivot. Tedious!
But how would you solve the problem of switching between too modes — the 'same as the reference point' and 'center' (which is still needed in a lot of cases), and on the fly?