Asset Export Alt-Drag
Why did you guys require that the existing functionality of dragging a group into the asset export panel now requires the addition of "Alt" - now i have to "Alt-Drag" an item, otherwise the selection breaks apart into all the groups. "Alt-Drag" should have been the keystroke for breaking the asset into groups, leaving the regular drag and drop as is - as people have learned that method already.
Were there user studies conducted that indicated that it was better to change the default behavior, and make the standard behavior do something different?
I have to relearn a mental model because of this.
I run the UX team for my large engineering organization, unless you have strong evidence to support changing preexisting UI conventions, I recommend you leave things as they are, and append new innovations to the the new keystroke

I remember the time when they flipped Alt behaviour for live/dead compound shapes — it used to be Alt to create expanded result. Years after I am used to it and find it a better workflow.
I also remember the time when Horizontal Scale field in Character was on the left, before Vertical Scale. Now it kinda is positioned next to Baseline Shift, and it makes some sense... but I am still confounded with Y coming before X here. I’d like to switch it back, but I know there are thousand of new users who learned it this new way, and it’s too late.
Dealing with defaults is always extremely impactful for some, but it has to be done anyway. still I’d like to have a flag somewhere in Prefs file to switch, the same way we can flip Y-axis back!