Hue cube / Live Color Picker
Would it be possible to import the Hue cube from Photoshop when choosing color? MagicPicker plugin won't work when selecting gradient colors (it will just replace the gradient completely) and Color Picker doesn't allow for real-time changes, you need to select the color and press OK to see the change. Color tab works perfectly, but the available color palette is impractical to use. I have no clue why you are not using the same setup as in Photoshop, where the Color tab looks exactly like the Color Picker. People have been complaining about this for 4 years now.
Youtube video where I explain the issue:

Nidhal Flowgun commented
What's more infuriating is that the whole software doesn't keep track of the "currently selected" color for the stroke and the gradient. if you want to copy the stroke color to the gradient for example, you basically have to double-click the stroke icon to access the color-picker and copy the HEX code and confirm and then double-click the fill icon and paste it and confirm...
There's no square that has the currently selected color, be it in the Color Panel or Swatches Panel or Color Guide Panel... also there's no keyboard shortcut for accessing the Color Picker Panel. you have to move the mouse and go through the whole process...
You find squares to click for In Web Color, Out Web color, all sorts of other shades and tints and warms and cools and vivid and muted and so on. BUT. NO. SQUARE TO CLICK. FOR. THE. CURRENT. COLORS!
This is not only extremely clunky, but it also hurts the ability to automate tasks. Most of the times I find myself wishing I have the creativity that Adobe has in finding ways to make everything soooo Clunky.
Stahp buying 3D companies and give us a viable color picker guys... that's not too much to ask for :'(
Nidhal Flowgun commented
A modern colorpicker / Hue Cube is A MOST in Illustrator!
I believe Photoshop used to work this way too, but it's way too clunky and obsolete, just like most Illustrator functions nowadays.
I was able to work around most Illusrator issues using Autohotkey, but this color-picking thing... It scares me...
Illustrator should do colors better than Photoshop even. I suggest a Hue cube that has HSB or RGB or CMYK or whatever sliders under it. not the way photoshop just makes you choose either a Hue cube or one slider option.
Also, drawing the hues in a color wheel around the Hue cube is a lot more practical than the hue strip we get with Photoshop. Coolorus extension does all of this right. But only available for Photoshop...
PLEASE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR GUYS UPDATE THIS. IT'S 2022 and one can't pick a color freely in the industry-standard Design software!!!!