Find approximate/closest Pantone from a process color
If you choose a color from the color picker in Photoshop, it will show you the nearest equivalent in the Pantone library.
You can do it for a single color. Open the Recolor Artwork dialog (full one), then limit the color to a desired Pantone palette, by pressing the button at the bottom that says ‘None’ and choosing the book you need.
Anonymous commented
Thanks Egor...I just recently discovered that feature...thank you for the clarification, as that definitely accomplishes the task! :-)
You can do it for a single color for sure, using Recolor Artwork. Sample a color, open the panel (full one), then limit the color to the desired Pantone palette, by pressing the button that says 'None' and choosing the one you need.
As for full color object — I don’t think there is an automated way. Phantasm plugin though, can recolor such an object using PMS colors of your choice.
Anonymous commented
Please include a feature in Illustrator that samples a full color object using the eyedropper tool and then points to the closest matching PMS color from a selected Pantone swatch library. This has been a standard tool in Photoshop for years, and I never understood why a more spot-color-oriented program like Illustrator does not have that same capability.
There's a way to do it with Recolor Artwork and choosing one of Pantone libraries' palettes to fit colors into.