Guide Colors to match Layer Colors
Guides are already assigned to different layers. When a layer is locked, that guide is locked, even if you "Unlock Guides".
It would make a lot of sense, and be very helpful, if guides were the same color as the layer they are attached to.
I run into many instances when guides are very close to each other and I'm not sure which guide I should be trying to align to, so I have to take the time to figure it out. It gets frustrating quickly, especially when trying to edit multiple layers together. If guides were the same color as the layer they are placed on then that confusion would not be there and time would be saved.
Although this is a good idea in its core, it also can cause a lot more confusion. Layer Color is used to highlight selected object (and it’s the only option to see if a normal guide is selected).
However, if guides adapt their layers’ colors, they will look as if they are always selected.
Needs thinking.