Allow to refine pressure Touch Calligraphy brushes with Width Tool
Allow the Width Tool to apply changes to Touch Calligraphy brush strokes.

Patrick commented
Yes please I wait for it since the width tool arrived!
Great comment Margareth!
Margaret Trauth commented
To expand on this:
Illustrator's brush engine stores no less than FIVE sets of data from the stylus on brushed paths - pressure, stylus wheel, tilt, bearing, and rotation. But there is no way to edit this. You have to get all of these variables perfect in one brush stroke, or redraw it from scratch.
The Width tool, meanwhile, applies a completely DIFFERENT set of data, and does not work on some brushed paths - scatter, calligraphic, and bristle brushes.
I should be able to brush a path, then go back in with the Width tool and edit ALL of those sets of data. Pressure, stylus wheel, tilt, bearing, and rotation.
Coming up with a UI for all of these is admittedly a challenge - how do we indicate these five different profiles? Do we show them all at once? Do we have a key to change which one is being shown? My initial thought is that showing one at a time eliminates the problem of figuring out a way to easily add a point in any of those profiles.
But at the very least, yeah: if you use the Width Tool on a calligraphic/scatter/bristle brush, it should be affecting the existing pressure profile. Really that's what it should have been doing all along with *every* stroke instead of adding width profiles on top of pressure/etc profiles, IMHO...
Justin Whitehouse commented
width tool should work on pressure sensitive brush strokes to fine tune the width of a line after it is drawn