I'd love for the pathfinder to be able to cut up bitmaps, avoiding having so many extraneous paths in a complex file
It would be nice if I could embed a jpeg or some other graphic format and then be able to use the pathfinder tools to change the shape of the image. Seems doable as the graphic imports as a path that happens to be filled with pixels rather than a color or pattern. The main reason I'd rather use the pathfinder for this over a clipping path is to reduce the number of paths in a complex document. When there are many elements in a file, having a lot of clipping paths makes the structure of the file difficult to parse due to the use of paths that have no stroke or fill.
There is a script that has been developing by Sergey Osokin for quite some time, which allows to trim an clipped embedded raster image to it's clipping mask’s bounds, but it’s not finished, unfortunately, so it’s not published at his repository yet: https://github.com/creold/illustrator-scripts
Another option would be to use Rasterino by Astute Graphics: https://astutegraphics.com/plugins/rasterino
It won’t fully automate it for you, but it has a much better tool for cropping and trimming images you might prefer to the stock one.And sure I’d love to have this feature myself!
Jody, there's a way to make it work, but with a different method.
Create a rectangle, fill it with white, set it to Multiply blending mode, select both image and rectangle and apply Flatten Transparency with the settings from the GIF attached.
But yes, what you want makes sense.