GPU performance is not working properly
GPU performance should improve efficiency when drawing complex objects, but the behavior has been delayed since CC 2018 (version 22).
The file created in CC 2015.3 (version 20) is test sample.
If you select a created object and move it with the mouse, the result will be completely different.
2015.3 / 2017: Drawing delay does not occur when GPU performance is ON
2018 / 2019 / 2020: GPU performance ON causes drawing delay, OFF is faster
The confirmed environment is Windows 10 1909 + Intel Core i7-6700HQ + GeForce GTX 950M.
In addition, although it is another data, the delay has been confirmed in Windows 10 1909 + Intel i5-8300H + GeForce GTX 1050.
Therefore, it is not considered to be due to the environment or data.
Original ((Japanese)
Title : GPUパフォーマンスが適正に働いていない
複雑なオブジェクトの描画ではGPUパフォーマンスによる効率向上が図れるはずですが、CC 2018(バージョン22)以降は動作が遅延するようになっています。
サンプルとしてCC 2015.3(バージョン20)で作成したファイルを用意しました。
確認した環境はWindows 10 1909+Intel Core i7-6700HQ+GeForce GTX 950Mです。
また別データですが、Windows 10 1909+Intel i5-8300H+GeForce GTX 1050でも遅延は確認しています。

I have no difference if I test the file in the latest release. Do you?