New document without symbols, brushes, graphic styles
New documents are pre-filled with unwanted symbols, brushes and graphic styles that bloat the documents. I always have to go in and delete these to keep file size down, especially when saving as EPS for logos, etc.

A related request:
Default Swatches and Styles as part of New Document Dialog -
Ai allows users to get rid of this fluff.
To do that you have to locate document profiles files (search for. and to locate these).
Open them and clean all the garbage you don’t need. Save.But! When Ai updates it replaces these with default ones, so keep your copies elsewhere...
...or record an action that Selects All Unused for every panel and run it when you want to clear fluff (the way I use for now).
But yeah, I don't like these presets too. They do teach new users about possibilities, but have no purpose for experienced users.