Guías inteligentes Illustrator
(Español)Hola! Me gustaría que incluyeran en las próximas actualizaciones una manera que se puedan imprimir las guías inteligentes cuando creas un archivo Illustrator (ai.) y guardas como en (pdf.) Sin la necesidad de ir tirando lineas en el mismo documento que estás trabajando sobre las guías inteligentes. Con el fin de que se vean las guías inteligentes en el documento pdf. Espero que la incluyan, sería una gran mejora.
(English) Hi, I would like to include in future updates a way that you can print out the Smart Guides when you create an Illustrator file (ai.) and save it as a (pdf.) without having to draw lines in the same document that you are working on for the Smart Guides. In order for the Smart Guides to be seen in the pdf document. I hope they include it, it would be a great improvement.

I can offer a generalized way to do it, but it’d requite a help from a free Select Menu plugin:
Once installed (with guides unlocked), you can use the new Select > Object > Guides to have all the guides in a document selcted.
The us the native View > Guides > Release Guides command, and now style them the way you want before printing.
Sure, it’s not as elegant as a simple option to 'render guides on print', but it can be automated with actions partially. -
Darío Urrizola commented
(Español) Me refiero a las guías que sacas de las reglas . Es muy útil cunado crear un documento y se ven como se ha creado, es decir, la proporciones de ese logotipo con sus guías. Si se pueden imprimir sería una gran ventaja.
(English) I'm talking about the guidelines you get from the rules. It's very useful when you create a document and you see how it was created, that is, the proportions of that logo with its guidelines. If they can be printed it would be a great advantage. -
Are you sure you mean Smart Guides? These are dynamic guides and their positions and look depend on where your cursor is. May be you mean normal guides?