Can we have master artboards for Illustrator, the way we do for In Design??
I do so much illustration on my projects that it's not practical to use In Design for layout, so I use Illustrator for everything and it's almost perfect. The one thing I find I'm consistently missing is the ability to assign templates to certain artboards (like a master artboard.) I can't use "paste to all artboards" for this, because often I am doing book format with A/B. Sometimes, I'm doing student/teacher guides where the looks need to be differentiated.
Can we get the ability to assign some artboards to another so that they can update dynamically if we change them during workflow? I think this would be a real game-changer :D

Well, for now you can use Symbols: create one and place it on a locked layer underneath you art. Use rectangle with no stroke&fill to limit the boundaries of it. Not a final solution, but certainly better then nothing :)