Automatically update legacy format when saving...
When working on an older version of illustrator - when you save, you get a notice about saving in a legacy format. I would like a preferences option to automatically save in the latest version when working on legacy files. Right now I have to use save as.
Tim Murray commented
Or a File > Update item. This menu item takes care of having to do a Save As and would include settings along the way, as in "always use PostScript language level 3 (or whatever is the latest at the time)." Maybe an option to save the changed file elsewhere.
Lonniusmax commented
Yes, yes, yes! It's the only software that does this, and it's annoying to have to Cancel, then Save As just to overwrite the file.
John Valo commented
... or put this as an option in the Preferences. I have more than two thousand Illustrator files and I update several every week.
Derek S. commented
+1, or provide an option in this dialog box so it isn't just an FYI dialog box when saving.