Few Additional Features
Fill & Stroke Color Picker Dialogue with Single Click.
Fill and Stroke should bring its Color Picker Dialogue with a Single Click on it, which one is active we would just click and bring its Dialogue.
Layers Panel.
Holding or pressing the Control key and clicking on a new layer icon in Photoshop to creates a new layer below all the layers if no layer is selected, if a layer is selected then you do the same action will create a new layer below the selected layer which really makes sense.
The same thing would be very comfortable in Illustrator if that feature would be added in the Layers and Appearance Panel.
Right-Click Menu on Objects.
There should be Global Edit, Copy and Paste are the basic features, common and essential which are missing since the beginning.
Start Global Edit.
Start Global Editing feature can be adjusted in the Magic Wand tool's Menu/Dialogue and in the Control Bar, if Properties Panel would be converted into Tool's Properties Panel then it should show the Tool’s (Active’s) Properties there.