A keyboard shortcut option for "Redefine Graphic Style" in the Appearance panel's menu
I have shifted to a very Graphic Style-focused workflow lately and find myself constantly hitting this menu item when I'm figuring out exactly what a Style should look like. I would like to be able to assign a shortcut to it.
It is currently nowhere to be found in the Keyboard Shortcuts panel. It is also one of the many, many actions in Illustrator that can't be recorded in an Action.
There's a lot of menu items in Illustrator's panels that have these problems and it would be great to have a general fix for all of them, but this is the one whose lack is bugging me the most lately.

Margaret Trauth commented
I'm so tired of pressing and holding on the tiny, tiny little target of the Appearance palette's menu, sliding over to 'redefine graphic style', and occasionally mis-clicking and rearranging my palettes instead. So, so tired.
There's other stuff that needs a keyboard shortcut and doesn't have one too but this is the one I feel the lack of on a constant basis, I'm *constantly* refining styles.
iviansur commented
I want it, too!
Margaret Trauth commented
It's four and a half years since I posted this. I still want this. Badly.
I think this one's at the point where I should do like I did for "rotate canvas" and put an event in my calendar to start wishing this feature request a happy birthday.
Margaret Trauth commented
I still really want this. I'm still really tired of having to hit the tiny button to bring up the Appearance panel's menu, then navigate to the 'redefine graphic style' menu item.
If this is a one-engineer-and-a-couple-afternoons project, I will thank you for doing this in the form of art, should you want something drawn for you. Seriously I do this all the **** time in my workflow and I would love to assign a keystroke to it.