Min Stroke width when adding a profile
I have wanted this to be a feature for over a year now.
As many of us know, we can simply add a profile shape to strokes. We can also create our own profiles! The process of creating profiles is not very user friendly in my opinion.
I think it would be a great idea to be able to state which profile you want for your stroke, and then an addition option comes up that gives you 1 extra boxes:
Minimum stroke weight for the stroke profile
Obviously the "max" stroke weight is changed in the "Weight" section already.
Most the time, I LOVE what a stroke profile looks like, but the line becomes too "thin". This would be an awesome feature that i would use very often.
Does this already exist and I am missing it? If not, what do yall think?

Well, I can kind of fake it, applying a second stroke in the Appearance, but joints will be noticeably sharp in extreme cases. Still, sound like an interesting idea, I vote for it.