AI 2021: Can't see previous path outline while transforming
It took me awhile to be sure I was remembering this right (even though I have over two decades of experience with AI), but I feel sure of it now: the ability to see the present state of a path while you are dragging or transforming it has disappeared. This is a major problem — I have always relied on that path to, for example, shrink something in one dimension while not affecting any other.
I looked through the Preferences and View options carefully, I don't think I'm just missing it. I guess maybe the AI team thought they were helping us by simplifying the interface? If so, it should be our option, not a blanket decision by them. Or maybe it got dropped by accident, it wouldn't be the first time.
Any thoughts here? Am I missing something?

This is what Real-Time Drawing and Editing option does in Preferences > Performance. You can either toggle it off or use View > View Using CPU command. Both disable the mode and makes a dragged object to be rendered as its edge (like it used to be before) and render the object in its original place until you release the mouse/pen.
Unfortunately there is no intermediate options for us. We can’t keep the edges shown with the real-time preview, and we can’t force to keep the original object displayed.
So let’s consider this request as 'allow to tweak all these three aspects separately', shall we?