Add grep/regex to Find and Replace feature
We really need some kind of grep or pattern matching in the Find and Replace dialogue.
I don't expect it to be InDesign-level functionality, but after all this time even rudimentary grep would be a blessing.
Maybe the Bridge regex could be adapted to Illustrator somehow...

A closely related request:
Support wildcard characters in Find & Replace -
SC Abbot commented
With the Windows’ version of Illustrator having the inability to find and replace returns ( this is more important than ever.
And as an instructor at a university, I can’t just have students installing scripts willy-nilly.
Zed commented
No automatical way, how to automatically regular spaces with Non-breaking ones.
Another solution would be this script: -
Jean-Claude Tremblay commented
John, until this is added to Illustrator maybe one day, you can use this script here: