Tie a child shape to parent shape to keep it aligned to parent when resized
Hi everyone,
I posted this as a question in the Illustrator forum (here's the original thread https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator/set-shapes-as-child-and-parent-objects-for-dynamic-box-designs/m-p/11688904?page=1#M256580) and was suggested to submit this as a feature request here.
I design boxes in Illustrator for precise cutting in my Silhouette machine. The main problem I encounter with is when I make a box which its shapes are all perfectly aligned, but I then find that I need to tweak its interior size. When I'm doing so I have to re-align all the different pieces of the box shapes such as the spines, wings, etc, since there's no option to tie a shape to another shape as parent and child behavior which exists in 3d design programs.
As a workaround I'm currently making groups of the shapes I want to be keep intact, and after tweaking the interior shape size I then re-align these groups to the edges of the interior they were previously aligned to.
To describe it better I made 3 screenshots:
- The first is the original design of the box.
- The second is what happens when I resize the interior size of the front of the box, which makes it to overlap its child shapes.
- The third is what I'm after - when resizing a parent shape I want all child shapes to move in distance along with it, without changing their sizes. As for the child shapes that become shorter and need to be resizes to fit to the parent's new size, that is done manually. Keep in mind that a child shape is also a parent shape of another child shape as seen in the screenshots. So if a child shape is resized then its own child shapes should also move in distance along with it.
The arrows in the screenshots comes to describe what is a child object and what is a parent object. The base of each arrow is a child object and where it ends is its parent object.
Having an option to make child and parent behavior would make things much easier when tweaking a design. Or, having a built-in engine to make box designs that has more features specifically for box design would be even better. That engine could automatically adjust the child shapes height/width where a parent shape size is changed. Or even a material thickness preset that calculates the extra size of material needed in mm/cm for the bending of each flap of the box, which is added between the shapes automatically like a "safe zone".
There are external solution plugins for Illustrator like Esko, but I'd really like if Illustrator would have a built-in feature for box designs without paying for additional plugins. I'm still using my CS6 version since its a permanent license which I prefer better over subscription plans, and I am quite aware that if my feature is picked up for development then it would be implemented in the CC version and not CS6. Yet if that feature will be made then I'll re-consider the CC plans.

Gal Shemesh commented
That's true, if Adobe's team develop new features they'd make them only for the CC version as CS6 is no longer supported. I just thought that this plugin might be compatible with CS6 for those who still use this latest permanent license version.
As for your question, I just believe in the old fashion way it used to work where you pay for something once and forget, while being entitled for discount upgrade prices whenever you wish to move from one version to another. :)
Glad it fits your need, and sad you can't use it. But even if the team made something from the box, you'd have to switch to CC to try it anyway, right?
Can I also ask why do you prefer to use CS6 still? Don't answer if don't want to, please.
Gal Shemesh commented
Hi Egor,
Thank you so much for this! It seems like what I was looking for.
Unfortunately, this plugin requires Illustrator 2022 so no luck for us CS6 users. But thanks again for bringing this to my attention if I ever give up and move to Adobe CC.
All the best! :)
Gal, there is an external free solution to your problem that might do exactly the thing you need: http://westonthayer.com/writing/2016/07/27/layout-experiments-in-adobe-illustrator/
There are some reports it does not exactly work on Mac, but you were using Windows, right? Please try and comment back.
Gal Shemesh commented
3rd image - What I'm after with Child and Parent Behavior
Gal Shemesh commented
2nd image - Interior Adjusted Overlaps Problem
Gal Shemesh commented
1st image - the Original Design
Gal Shemesh commented
Hi Egor, thanks for letting me know! I encountered with a bug when trying to post this idea in the first place where the "Post idea" button was clickable but didn't do anything, so I disregarded the whole thing altogether. I'm surprised to find that the idea went through anyway, and also glad that I didn't delete the images. :) Since I cannot edit the post I'll attach them individually below.
Gal, the images! It seems you forgot to add them, or that the UV ate them.