Each item in the document to have its own persistent history
Linear document history seems very dated considering how much ram computers have these days, a hierarchical multi-dimensional object oriented history seems like a good idea. It would be amazing if I could choose to access the history of each item in the layers panel. it might work similar to file versioning solutions like GIT.
This history could be optionally saved into the file or cloud library so it can be accessed across sessions.

This can work in some cases, yeah... But I can imagine many situations when it will become very messy and uncontrollable as well.
What if I cut a potion of a path and paste it — will it become a new history logged for it, or treated as a part of the older one?
What if I join it with another path? Or make it a compound path? Or Unite?
What if I just cut and paste an object? What if I make a lot of duplicates and then change one?
What if use Global Edit to change several objects at once?I can continue on and on... This isn’t just a difficult thing to get done, it’s a gargantuan task. It will be quite difficult to maintain, probably buggy as hell, and hardly useful for the majority of users.
Plus it’d be extremely resource-consuming.Photoshop offers branches in history, and this has a bit more potential... although very questionable in its own way.
However, there is no such a request here at UserVoice, if I recall.
Would you find this a sustainable replacement for your needs?