Guide lines colored to their corresponding layer
As someone who uses several guidelines on a project, one thing that I have found would be extremely helpful would be if the guide lines were colored to their corresponding layer. (This could be a toggleable option)
This could be particularly helpful when there are a lot of guidelines on the artboard since there is an inverse relationship between the number of guidelines and the readability of said guidelines. The more guidelines there are, the harder it can be to keep track of which guideline(s) corresponds to which element(s).
Personally, and fortunately, I am not colorblind, however, I imagine that different colored guidelines could aid, those who have some form of colorblindness, in easily distinguishing between the guidelines.
Thank you for your consideration

A more general request:
Ability to change the color of individual guidelines -
While I support the cause, I reject the offered way to do it.
See, if you make a guide colored in a layer’s specific color, you won’t be able to distinguish it from a selected line. There will no way to tell if a guide is selected or not.
What can also be done to solve this is the screen-spaced dash pattern, as a bound option.