Send crash reports to plugin developers.
Today I was exploring a plugin. It is a very nice plugin that does some very powerful things but it is also a little fragile, and it crashed a lot while I was using it. I quickly learnt to save a lot while working with this plugin.
And the crash report dialogue kept on piling up. But I knew it would be useless as this was very likely to be due to something I was doing to make the plugin break, rather than Illustrator break. What're AI's developers gonna do with this crash log? Nothing. It's useless to you.
I was not able to create a reliable crash reproduction to send to the developer, either. So I'm left knowing that this very useful plugin is also kind of unstable, with no way to really help make it more stable.
What I would like to see is some way to say "hey this crash totally happened while I was using this plugin, can you please forward this crash log to its developer?".
Ideally there would be a dropdown somewhere in the crash report dialogue that listed all my installed plugins. And somewhere in the system that receives these crash reports, there would be a way for this crash log to make its way to the developer - I figure maybe part of setting up a plugin could involve giving an email for these to go to? I dunno the details of your crash report ecosystem, you guys can chat with a few plugin developers and see what would work best for everyone.