Convert to path object - keep object name
When I rasterise a letter or text in Photoshop, the layer keeps the original name.
Why can't Illustrator do the same? I type the letter A and the object in layers has the name "A". If I now change the letter to a Path object, the group is no longer called "A" but "group". What is still ok with one letter, becomes very annoying with 500 letters. Especially when it comes to special characters like ́ ˘ ̧ ̒ ̋ ̏ ̀ ̌ ̦ ̊ ̄ - ̨ ̣ ̇ ̷ ̃ ̈ ^, which are difficult to read in the palette layer anyway.

Jens Ulrich Kriebeler commented
In the meantime, I have programmed my own solution in Javascript. The script is free of charge. More information on my Behance account:
Keep drawing!