Bonjour je vous envoie ci-joint mon mon idée d’amélioration, serai t’il possible d’apporter la commande duplication comme sur mac : Cmd + D
Bonjour je vous envoie ci-joint mon mon idée d’amélioration, serai t’il possible d’apporter la commande duplication comme sur mac : Cmd + D

I agree that pressing Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F can be slow, especially if you have images in your selection.
Script and plugin solutions that add the duplicate functions work slow.
I’d like to have a command that immediately creates a duplicate.
However, do not assign it to Ctrl+D, which is taken by Transform Again now. Anyone who prefers it to be changed, can do it themselves. Do not mess with defaults!
I’d propose Alt+D, since it’s short and not taken, despite Ai does not allow to use them stupidly. Except for Alt+F, E, O, T, S, C, V, W, H, we have 17 Alt+keys that can be used! A waste of hotkeys.