saveascopy command in Illusrator script
Please, pretty pleas with sugar on top add SaveAsCopy function to illustrator script. All i need to be happy is to bind a script that allows me to save a copy of specific AI art board(s) as PDF with presets. it is impossible to save copy of document without closing current AI file.
I work in print and that is the thing illustrator lack for me, one script command... saveCopyAs.
Why does it matters? because i have tons of print layouts with ton of PDF's to link on aforementioned plates, and i need to sometime go for 3 different export as pdf to get to last print layout... i save a lot of PDFs. Not to even mention small size pdf's that i need to send to clients. There are days that i make the same PDF 7 times before i end with client, and then i do like 2-3 more to have flexo print layout. And after that i have 8 more projects to do. Don't even get mi started on moving something 2mm left and going once after 9 projects and 9 layouts...
So when i have the change done, I want to be able hit saveAsCopy keybind script, then illustrator will nicely ask me if i want to update linked file on layout, i say yes, hit another saveascopy and he will ask me if i want to make an update on final layout for anilox roller, I say yes, hit save as copy, and I AM DONE. Now 9 more.
All that this will give mi is Save of time from saving all this files manually by clicking file->Save as Copy. And that is all i really want, the save in time on repeatable tedious action