Auto opening a layered illustrator file in photoshop as layered smart objects.
I create my original illustration files in vector format and in layers in Adobe Illustrator. I then copy each layer to its own artboard and save off an Ai file with the multiple layers converted to artboards, I then manually place these artboards as individual linked smart layers in Photoshop to ensure a non-destructive and combined Vector/Bitmap workflow/solution between Ai and PS.
This is a LOT of manual work each time, Photoshop SHOULD be able to open a simple and layered Illustrator file automatically like this in this non-destructive manner.
Saving off as a layered PSD file from Ai rasterises as does the new cut and paste layers between Ill/photoshop feature.
Even a pre-made and supplied script for each piece of software would help.
The workflow between Ill and Ae with layers is great and works, the workflow between Ai and PS is an unnecessary mess by comparison while working via artboards instead of layers.