Why was the copy and paste function forcibly changed?
Why do you guys change my personal settings?
Please don't change my settings under the pretext of updating. Do you know how disturbed we are when arbitrarily changing the settings of existing users to receive new users?
Until yesterday, the option key + arrow direction was copy. But now I've changed the option key + arrow to change the line and space of the letter. What are you doing? I was annoyed because I kept updating like this before, but I can't stand it. Why do you change the existing user's setting so recklessly?
Do you know how long this delays existing users' working hours? Are you listening to the user's voice?

Alt/Option+arrow changes kerning when a selection has only text objects within and makes a copy when you have a textless selection.
In much older versions pressing these for mixed selections (text + non-text) used to change kerning too, but do make a copy now instead, but no changes were made recently to revert it.
Sorry, Kim, but I am afraid you are wrong here.
Alt/Option+arrow makes a copy when you have an object selected... any object except for type objects. If you select one or several pieces of text, this hotkey changes tracking.This is how it always have been.
I even re-checked it in a several older versions (CS old and before), to be sure.
But this report shows exactly the level of trust Adobe has in terms of pushing changes. I had several of these false alarms myself before.