Replication tool .. Replication tool is not easy enough to use .. Excuse me for mentioning the old Freehand but it had a very easy to use replication tool .. which would just select the shape and set how many times to replicate it and with mouse movement it was easy to make shapes like mandalas Beautiful and psychedelic shapes or anything that needed to be duplicated in a circle easily ... I would be very helpful if there was such a duplication tool as there was in the old software and I would use it a lot

Tal, not sure what you mean. I can’t find the Replication tool in FreeHand. I know of Smudge (blend to a copy with attributes set), Extrude, but do not recall the one you mention. Do you have screenshots of it, or maybe the name is different (although I checked every tool)?
But I know of a plugin that matches your description quite well, maybe try it (the whole pack is marvelous) — Stylism by AstuteGraphics. It gives on-canvas control for native Transform Effect. Does it feel like the one you want?