import DXF Blocks
In fashion Industry, one of the most common exchange file format is DXF-AAMA/ASTM.
If it is too complex to Illustrator to handle all the subtilities of this format, could it be possible at least to manage "Blocks" ?
Blocks are DXF entities which can be assimilate as "Groups" or "Symbols"
but in Ai Groups and Symbols may stay on a single layer.
In DXF Blocks, you may have multiple entities on multiple layers, but you need to keep them as a single object.
So I was wondering if Ai could generate for each Block a layer (with the name of the Block), and all the entities on sublayers with their respectives number.
So, ma can find a way to manage the different pieces os a garment an dkeep all the entities respectives in a single toplayer.
Blocks can be used also in the industry for Laser /plasma/Waterjet Cutting for example, or any other manufacturing process and the lack of block management in Ai is painful.
Many Thanks

feng ren commented
1. dwg/dxfをillustratorで開く場合に、ブロックが所属するレイヤーと画層を同一にしてほしい。
2. 現状、acutocadのブロックの特性上0レイヤーでブロックを作らないと不都合が多く、仕方なくブロックは0レイヤーで作成している。
イラストレーターで開いたときにその所属レイヤー情報がなくなってしまい、大量のデータを扱えなくなっているので上記の機能が備われば利用範囲が広がり、非常に助かる。 -
Jaime Padilha commented
Bom dia! Tudo Bem?
Gostaria de deixar meu comentário também, ao abrir os arquivos de DXF no Illustrator a partir da versão 25,01 não está desmembrado por grupos as peças, e isso dificulta muito o meu processo de separação.
Scheila Finger commented
Boa tarde,
João estamos compartilhando aqui no trabalho para todos votarem, faz uma ação ai também :)
João Almeida commented
olá Boa tarde,
a empresa em que trabalho tem a própria matrizaria, a qual nos envia seus arquivos CAD/DXF para adaptarmos as artes, tem sido imprescindível os agrupamentos gerados ao abrir, sem esta função as tarefa serão bem árduas, temos entre Illustrator e Photoshop mais de 400 licenças, isso faz a diferença para nós -
Fabio commented
I have similar problem with new Illustrator version, with 25.0.1 I can open dxf from garment CAD and all size elements are grouped in blocks, with new version all dxf elements are ungrouped. This is a really problem for my job, I cannot update to new version because 99% of my work depend of this import function.
Why you changed import filter for DXF/DWG in last version? -
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Another important point is the possibility to keep the Origin of the File.
Even if the option center the dxf is not set, the original Corrdinate system of the Imported file is not kept.It could be an issue in some collaborative workflows.