Recolor Artwork: Click the Artwork to Select color to recolor
It is often hard to pick the right color to edit from the Recoror Artwork UI. This especially when Editing colors that are close to each other.
It would be nice if we could click ( or ctrl/shift/alt+click) the artwork and select which color we want to edit in Recolor Artwork utility.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
For example in situation like in attached image, it is almost impossible to select the right color that you want to edit.
Only way to do it is select and change some value and hope it was right color.
But as the UNDO doesn't work in the Advanced Mode, it this is quite slow and painful way to work...
Recolor Artwork is a great idea for a Tool, but now it has so much bugs and lack of funtionality, that it usually just ruins your day.