No alerts, dialogues or any other disruptions while working.

Toby James Mikle commented
I think you misunderstood my analogy. I have been using AI since version one EVERY DAY. I know all the keys and how to fullscreen etc.
Again, ALL the dialoug boxes that don't have an option to not show again or have a time of do not disturb ARE equally a problem.
Full screen experience is something you can turn on with F key. Press it once to hide OS controls, and twice to hide everything except for the canvas. The third F will restore the default screen mode.
You can also press Tab to show and hide panels within any of these three modes.'ALL of the dialogues' is not that specific :) While I agree, some specificity won’t hurt. Which is the most disturbing at least?
Toby James Mikle commented
Hello Egor.
It's like this, when I play a game for years I eventually take away all the HUD so that it is a full scree submersive experience. While beginners, including myself, will find them useful, once you know what your doing you don't need it anymore.
ALL of the dialogues that don't have (do not show again) are a problem to me.
Toby, most messages (but sadly not all of them) has an option to not be displayed again.
I specifically hate when Ai says 'Ctrl + J does nothing', with an alert, instead of a non-obstructing gray label above, but I doubt you have the same issue as me. Which messages do you refer to specifically? Which are the most distracting for you?