Apply arrowheads with eyedropper
When using the eyedropper tool on a line, I would like the arrowheads from the line I am imitating to be applied to the selected line. I don't want to scroll through all the arrowhead options for every line! If I apply it once, It'd be so much easier to eyedrop that same feature on all the other lines I need it for.
This is something I would use for my job while making tech packs every day! I have arrowheads on the ends of dimensions and callouts.

Arrowheads considered by Illustrator as 'complex' appearance, not a basic attribute of a stroke, like weight or dashes or color. Therefore Eyedropper can’t pick them in the default mode.
But you can force it to pick and apply it.
Pick the the tool and hit Enter to open the tool’s options.
Check both Appearance options in each column.
Try to use the tool now.There are some complexities with this mode though, so I suggest using it only when necessary, because it can give debatable results with groups. Be careful.
Hailey commented
So annoying to have to scroll through the arrowhead options every time! Or copy and paste a line and then have to change it's length. Would be much easier to just draw the line as I'd like, then eyedrop ALL the features, not just color and weight