Create a guide trimmed to an artboard
There is a almost unknown way to create guides limited to an artboards — you have to pick the Artboard Tool first, and then drag a guide out of rulers. The resulting guide will be limited to the artboard’s dbounds.
However, we think about it somewhere in the middle of dragging a guide, using other tools... too late in a process!
Can we get a modifier to hold while a guides is dragged out to toggle the global/local guide mode on the fly? Alt is taken to switch horizontal/vertical (and it’s cool), but Shift and Ctrl/Cmd are free and do seemingly nothing.

nicky commented
Egor you know very well the alternative solution but as you also said it is not at all comfortable to use. Usage should be standard in tracing guides on artboards only and alternately over the entire work area. I understand that Ai was born with the possibility of inserting only 1 table but when the possibility of multiple tables was added the modification was not taken into consideration of the ruler guides. For me this software should be restored from the ground up. The day will come that it will go the way of freehand not keeping pace with ever more performing technology and ever more users demanding accuracy and stability. In order to construct geometrically precise marks, I waste more time making sure that the paths fit to the guides or path after path than in conceiving the All
Nicky, are you aware of the workaround I described below?
Pick the Artboard Tool first, and then drag a guide out of rulers.
I don’t promote this as an ultimate solution, on the contrary, I think a modifier is better for this, in the spirit of 'true Ai way' -
nicky commented
ADOBE is sleeping!!!
Implement a change to this feature so simple and not done! How long does it take for this modification? A good programmer who has been working on Project Ai for years can improve this thing in a day's work! (I'm sure)...Like many small changes that would make life easier and speed up the Creation process. But we are nobody's children apparently.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have an option to limit guides pulled out from the ruler to be limited to the currently active artboard - rather than run across the whole canvas. This would avoid unwanted guides falling across every artboard in the document.
nicky commented
Considering that to select, modify or apply the Guides inside an artboard you have to select "of course!" the artboards tool or press (Shift + O) not simply reachable "with one hand"
I ask:1. Wouldn't it be possible to select the artboard with Double Click on the artboard? or Ctrl + click?
A simpler thing.2. Why do the rails have to extend "by force" on the whole assembly table ?? WOULD IT NO LONGER be right that the guides each remained in their own drawing board? If I have neighboring tables by drawing a guide in table 1, the guide extends into table 2 (and sometimes that guide in table 2 does not serve as more annoyance than being useful).
Can Create guides extended only to the belonging table ?? and if necessary perhaps pressing CTRL simultaneously make it extend over the entire mounting area ??ADOBE why do you complicate your life with ILLUSTRATOR ????
nicky commented
is it possible to make the ruler guides be limited only to the drawing board? (as already happens in indesign).
When working with several artboards, having the guides extending horizontally and vertically across the illustrator work area, it often happens that the guides of table 1 also end up on the table 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 ... the thing is highly uncomfortable, I do not understand the meaning of this thing. I hope it is a useful and unhampered reflection for a future implementation.