Illustrator and Illustrator Beta File Association Issue in Windows 10 and 11
When installing Adobe apps, files extension associations work as expected in Windows 10 and 11.
When installing a beta version of the same Adobe app, files association are moved to the beta version. There is no way to move the file association back to the regular app without manually changing the windows registry because:
1.) The regular app does not appear any longer in the file association drop down list (in settings)
2.) Right clicking illustrator file and changing associated app through folder structure locally also does not work. Even though I select the correct app (Illustrator.exe), the beta app is started.
According to Microsoft, this problem occurs because Adobe has the same exe filenames for both the Beta and the regular app version (both are Illustrator.exe).
Easy fix: Changing the beta exe file name to Illustratorbeta.exe (for example) would remedy the situation (this applies to all cc beta apps, not just Illustrator).
Gabriel Remuiñán commented
@Egor Chistyakov It oppens on beta EAVEN with normal illustrator opend
Gabriel Remuiñán commented
Even if you change the names an update reverts everything, this is VERY annoying.
Bothersome indeed!
Glad it worked, and yes, the order changes exactly like you describe.
I have a strong suspicion it can’t be really controlled by Adobe, and the only way of fixing it would be to rename the EXE file into 'Illustrator Beta.exe'...
Actually, I should compare the behavior with Photoshop...
Anyway — thank you for reporting this. -
Daniel Mevit commented
Well that helped. Thanks! But this is just a temporary solution.
I noticed that this works until you update your Beta app, than, the hierarchy changes again - Beta has priority when opening the .ai files. So, AGAIN, I did the renaming and that fixed the problem. This needs to be fixed from the Adobe. I understand that this is not a major issue but still it's something that's bothersome.
Thank you again for your fast reply!
Daniel -
This happens because Windows can’t distinguish these two apps, they have the exact same name and the major build number.
If you have the ordinary version of Illustrator open, files you try to open will be opened in this version, and not Beta. Actually, this is the same reason one can’t launch Beta and non-Beta Ai on Windows, if the major build numbers match...Try this trick.
Close Illustrator.
Locate 'Illustrator.exe' (the Beta one) and rename it into, say, '_Illustrator.exe' — it won’t break, don’t worry.
Then try to open an .ai file. Windows should open a normal Ai.
Rename the Beta Ai back.
It helped me several times to trick Windows into rewriting some registry entries, I suppose. -
Daniel Mevit commented
Illustrator Beta has overwritten as default app when opening .ai files and I can't change it to Illustrator 2024 on my Windows 10 device.
Tried two ways:
1. by right click - Properties;
2. by right click - Open with..(with checked "always use this app to open .ai files") -
Anonymous commented
Check out the Microsoft support forum thread on this issue:
Check out Adobe support forum thread on this issue: