Stop creating extra anchors
Using tools like the join tool, shaper tool and some pathfinder tools, creates more anchors than were originally in the elements that are being joined using the tools mentioned. This degrades my lines and sometimes turns corner anchors into curved or moves the anchors all together when creating more. I have spent a lot of time having to go back and fix these issues. Most of the time you can't see it until well after you have saved and have to rely keeping extra backups of your work to ensure you aren't losing details. Extra anchors creates more data to save, downgrades my artwork and creates longer cut times with a vinyl plotter. If I want anchors in a line segment, path, or compound path, ill put it there myself, or use the adequate tool to alter the number of anchors.

Phil, yeah, even if you check the Remove Redundant Points option in Pathfinders’s flyout menu (which is useful in most cases), sometimes extra points still get created :(
But to deal with the issue globally, we have to show some specific cases with steps to reproduce the result, an a video evidence will help a lot to prove it happens.
And by 'Shaper' you probably meant the Shape Builder tool? Shaper is another thing, and I never saw it generating excessive points.