The default color space should be RGB.
It is 2023, with the changes in printing technologies, Ai should have RGB as the default color space. I know that there are long time users who probably live in cmyk, but aren't best practices to work in RGB and then convert to cmyk for the particular job?
Tom Leininger commented
I teach in higher education. I have seen more students use CMYK when they shouldn't be because someone told them once CMYK is for print. They then send the file to a laser printer or an inkjet printer.
I see Adobe holding on to an outdated preference to satisfy long term users.
Is the default cmyk the right color space for a laser or inkjet printers?
A print shop is one thing. I am guessing that the number of users working in a print shop is smaller than the number of users who will never send anything to an offset press.
But maybe I am wrong.
It depends on a printing shop and the workflows they have.
And since CMYK is probably never going to be as wide as RGB, and color management is a real science, making new users less aware of this would be our downfall :) Ai gets dumbified enough.
'Oh, why my acid green is not that acid as it is on man new iMac...' — this tsunami will choke the remainder of savvy users. CMYK math is different enough to respect it always. 2023 is not about better inks or better math.I am one of those who’d rather like AI to have CMYK as a default color space — and for me it is, I changed the document profile to Print in New Document dialog and it stays CMYK for me unless I create something in RGB with an RGB-based document profile. I am the master of my color spaces :)
But this is my private point of view, as always.
Why do you want it to be the default one exactly? What makes you want it to be otherwise? I’d love to hear and soak in.