Make my palettes static
My palettes are always moving. No matter how much i adjust the size the whole group goes up. and down. Why cant they just stay in the same place? right now my swatches/brushes/symbols palette takes up the whole right side. even though i only have the very basic number of swatches. meanwhile the others are all pushed to the bottom and i have to search for each palette.
Basically I dont want to search for the palette i need. I want it to be on the side where i left it. instead of resizing. I'd rather scroll inside a palettes than have it huge then small.
Yeah, it’s a complicated problem.
Some panels have fixed heights. Some panels are resizable. When you combine panels with different heights and height modes into a panel group, and then dock them all — they start fighting.
For example, you have Properties panel in the group at the bottom — but Properties is a very tall panel, it has a strict minimal size, and when you enable it — it tries to push other panels apart. When it can’t take the height it needs (because you want Transparency and Swatches) — it collapses. Transparency has a fixed height, so the only choice Ai has to follow to fit them all within the dock is to stretch Swatches.
Just don’t dock Properties into the dock in a group with other panels. It’s s special panel designed to do exactly what you want — have everything a user might need in the specific moment. It’s not good though — but this is my private point of view. Anyway — try to remove it and see how it goes.
Also — try to not dock panels into the frame, perhaps this is better way for you.